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Free fediverse sites

Mark Malone
Ship-steerer of 80px

There has been a lot of movement behind the scenes.

If you didn't notice, there is a Fediverse link on the website header. For fun, I'm hosting a slew of federated applications to help promote a less monopolistic web. Because of my lack of social media, this website and the social platforms below are the extent to which you'll find me online.

Here's a quick list of what they are:

  • - On, I host my own Personal Data Server, so you'll see my handle as If anyone wants an handle, let me know!
  • - This is a twitter clone. For simplicity I used the subdomain x, but this is the software Mastodon
  • - This is an instagram clone. The software is called Pixelfed
  • - This is for music, kind of like a soundcloud clone. The software used is called Funkwhale
  • - This is Matrix chat, which is a federated chat. The software is matrix-synapse and element for the web ui
  • - This is basically a reddit clone. The software is called Lemmy 🤘
  • - This is a youtube clone. The software is called Peertube

Oh, one other thing! A few years back I wanted to try my hand at exploring various programming languages, and getting testing set up as a first principle for projects within them. The Programming Templates page shows the projects I've made. Those are in a public group within the gitlab.

And that's that. Anyone is welcome to create an account on any of these federated platforms. If you do, send me a message and say hello! You are also free to pull the code for any of the programming templates and use for whatever you like. I tried my best to give attribution from the languages I needed to learn basic project testing and architecture for.

Gitlab Job Number 30000

Mark Malone
Ship-steerer of 80px

I self-host a gitlab server so I have a safe space for all my coding projects. Within that infrastructure, I have a gitlab-runner that can help me run jobs. It helps if I need to build and add something to gitlab pages, or if I use the Autodevops feature to fully deploy an app to a kubernetes cluster. Usually the latter workflow has a few steps, like building, testing, dependency scanning, deploying, etc. So each one of the runs adds around 8 jobs or so. I eventually set up renovate, so a lot of the job numbers are coming from automated updates as well.

Either way, I hit job 30,000 this morning! It was for a public build of, so anyone can go see it.

It's not a major milestone, just one that pleasingly ends in all 0's.

I started self-hosting gitlab in about 2018. I believe the version I started with was version 11. There have been a lot of changes since then! They are about to release version 17 next month.

Gitlab has made my life so much easier. When I started self hosting in 2018, I knew I was going to be burning a little bit of money as I figured out my optimal setup. There are 0 regrest. Using Gitlab's free software, I have utilized almost every feature they offer. I know more about building docker images, pushing and pulling them to a registry, using autodevops to use the registry to deploy apps within kubernetes using a loadbalancer, and automating certificates with lets encrypt. Admittedly kubernetes is overkill for a lot of things, but when you get in the habit of making your apps work in containers and certificate generation and loadbalancing is a non-issue, it's hard to look back. So big thanks to gitlab for being open source!


Mark Malone
Ship-steerer of 80px

Howdy! This is the first post. In the future, all updates to projects will go right through this main channel. Stay tuned, and thanks for visiting.